Location: St Francis of Assisi School, Walsall
Event: Health Event Stand
Awareness Topics: Tobacco Awareness and Peer Pressure
St Francis School invited our Development Officer Vickki to deliver an interactive health event stand to their Year 7 students, as part of their citizenship curriculum. The stand covered tobacco awareness and issues surrounding peer pressure.
Throughout the event the students were very engaging and showed a keen interest in learning more about the effects of tobacco. Vickki began the event with the Smokey Joe quiz. An activity which required the students to think not only about the health consequences of smoking, but also the cost implications – something which would resonate with the 11 year olds.
Vickki took along the smoking goggles activity which demonstrates how smoking is linked to macular degeneration and partial sight loss. The students were required to wear the googles and then catch balls in a bucket, something which challenged the group but also encouraged them to think of the wider impact smoking has on the body.
Other visual aids included the smoker’s foot (highlighting the dangers of gangrene through smoking), the foul mouth (showing the effect smoking has on all parts of the mouth), and the history of tobacco model.
The students showed their deep level of understanding by asking questions about e-cigarettes and the reasons why tobacco is even allowed. During the session their knowledge of tobacco and smoking increased enabling them to make their own lifestyle choices.
Our Development Officers can deliver educational sessions, awareness assemblies and health event stands to Key Stages 2 to 4, and are happy to tailor events to your particular needs related to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and gambling. Contact one of our team today to discuss your specific requirements!