Psychoactive drugs such as Spice and Black Mamba have been prevalent for some time. These artificially manufactured drugs were previously classed as ‘legal highs’ and were openly and readily available to purchase online or even from high street shops.
Since the introduction of the Psychoactive Substances Act in 2016, these types of drugs were subject to much stricter laws, but recently there has been a publicised increase of their use, particularly within the prison system.
There has been no greater need to raise awareness of this potentially life-threatening drug than there currently is. Unlike other illicit drug use, people are using psychoactive substances openly in our town and city centres, causing many to fall victim to a zombie-like state as reported in the news recently. In April, Greater Manchester Police were forced to impose a 48-hour dispersal ban in their city centre to remove people suspected of taking or supplying Spice. In just three days there were nearly 60 Spice-related incidents, causing massive strain on emergency services.
But this situation is not unique. Similar Spice epidemics have been reported in Taunton, Wrexham, Blackpool, Birmingham – the list goes on.
Everybody has a right to become empowered and knowledgeable about the issues which effect their community. Our free Community Health Information displays highlight various psychoactive substances, providing information on their effects, risks and what the current law is regarding these. Our Development Officers can deliver health events and sessions, especially beneficial to younger people in schools and colleges, highlighting the potential dangers and educating them; enabling them to make their own lifestyle choices.
This month our displays have been booked by a variety of venues throughout Solihull, Birmingham and Manchester used by the community, including libraries, employment centres, pharmacies, and medical centres, as well as schools and colleges.
It’s not too late to book your free board. Get in touch today for more information on how we can help you!