Location: St Francis of Assisi School, Aldridge
Event: Educational Sessions
Awareness Topics: Tobacco Awareness
Vickki was invited to deliver a tobacco awareness to Year 10 Health and Social care students at St Francis of Assisi School in Aldridge. The session provided general information about tobacco, including legislation around tobacco, health consequences of smoking, and the benefits of quitting.
To enhance the learning experience of the students, Vickki incorporated many of our interactive resources including the foul mouth, smokers’ foot and blocked artery models, the tar in a jar, and the Smokey Joe quiz.
The students Vickki worked with during this session will also be taking part in the Health Champions Scheme. They will be undertaking their own tobacco/no smoking health campaign over the coming weeks, and this will be delivered to their peers. This session provided an introduction to the students on the topic of tobacco awareness, preparing them to start planning their own campaigns.